董亚娟:副教授、博士、硕士生导师、国际学生博士生导师、交通运输工程流动站博士后、瑞典隆德大学(Lund University)访问学者。现任工商管理学科责任教授、工商管理系副主任、云顶国际4008平台旅游交通研究中心主任。入选国家文化和旅游部“旅游业青年专家”人才项目。担任西旅集团文化产业投资有限公司等多家企业专家顾问,中国旅游交通工作委员会委员,中国企业管理协会交旅分会智库专家,中国旅游协会教育分会理事等。
联系方式:190159046 @qq.com;yajuand@chd.edu.cn
Academic results and publications:
In recent years, she has participated in 4 National Natural Science Foundation and National Social Science Funds, hosted 1 National Social Science Fund, 1 Scientific Research Fund of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and 1 Chinese Postdoctoral Science Fund. Sha has also hosted or participated in more than 20 provincial, municipal and central university funds. She has published over 20 academic papers in core journals such as Areal Research and Development, Social Scientist and Business Research, etc., many of which have been included by CSSCI. She has published 1 monograph: the Coupling Relationship between Inbound Tourism Flow Drive and Urban Destination Responses.
·Recruit postgraduate students, major in Business Administration, Tourism Management, Industrial Economy
· Recruit international doctoral students, major in Logistics Engineering and Management
· Email: 190159046 @qq.com;yajuand@chd.edu.cn