香港理工大学 Jerry Yan教授为我院师生作学术讲座

11月2日晚,由道路基础设施数字化教育部工程研究中心、复杂工程管理系统研究团队及我院共同组织的关于“可再生能源与未来能源系统”及“国际期刊论文写作与发表”的讲座在线上召开,来自香港理工大学的Prof. Jerry Yan就这一主题为我院师生进行了讲座。来自深圳大学的丁志坤教授, 南京林业大学的徐霄枭副教授、我校校长助理、院长杜强、院党委书记孙启鹏、刘启波教授及学院师生参加了讲座,讲座由邹小伟教授主持。







Prof. Jerry Yan is chair professor of Energy and Building Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prof. Yan's research interests include advanced energy systems; renewable energy; advanced power generation; climate change mitigation technologies and related environment and policy etc. Prof. Yan published over 400 papers including papers in Science, Nature Energy, Nature Climate & Nature Communications and hold 10+ patents with over 20,000 citations and H-index 73. Prof. Yan is the editor-in-chief of Advances in Applied Energy journal and Advisory EiC of Applied Energy (Impact factor 11.45), ,& editor-in-chief of Handbook of Clean Energy Systems. He is the Chair of International Conferences on Applied Energy. He is an academician of European Academy of Sciences and Arts, and serves as the advisory expert to the UN, EU, & ADB etc. He has led research platform (Future Energy Profile) with funding of over 80 MEuro by Swedish Knowledge Foundation and industrial partners, and participated in several EU Projects (FP5, FP6, FP7, and Horizon) and other international and national projects. He is the founder of ICAE, AEii, UNiLAB, iCET, Energy Proceedings, EnerarXiv and OC:E etc. He was granted with several awards, such as Global Human Settlements Award of Green Technology, 2014 with supported by UNDP etc. Finalist of SWFF (Securing Water for Food: A Grand Challenge for Development) award by USAID, Government of Sweden and the Netherlands, 2015; Energy Islands’ Award conferred by the European Union with the project TILOS (2017), Highly Cited Researcher, by Web of Sciences, IVA’s Research2Business Top100 (IVA=Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences).

撰稿:杨涵晞  审核:张建斌
